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He was the first Christian martyr. On this day, we commemorate the translation of his relics.
He was formerly a slave, then a great robber and murderer. He became a monk, and after a long battle with the demon of fornication, became renowned for his hospitality and freedom from judgment. He became a priest, and was martyred by marauders, a fate he accepted willingly, even though he knew of their coming, and could have easily escaped.
We fast on this day, in honor of the greatest man born of woman, who was martyred because of his fearless rebuking of someone in power who had sinned grievously.
He endured terrible torments because he would not compromise the truth, and is known as "the confessor". He was from Constantinople. His life is extremely important and instructive for us in these days when heresy and indifference to dogma and morality wax strong even among those who call themselves Orthodox Christians, and seeds for the persecution of those who hold the true Orthodox faith are being sown., not only by godless governments and infidels, but even by robbers in the sheep pen itself.
We know nothing of the life of this Saint, save that he was a soldier and martyr. His icon was revealed, after being lost for many years, on the island of Rhodes. There is a tradition concerning prayer to him - it involves his mother
He is a patron of printers and highly venerated by Russians, and a patron a protector of the printing facilities at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville.
One had an epistle written to him and is one of the "seventy", the other, from among the twelve, was crucified in Armenia.
He is the patron of another John, recently revealed as great among the Saints, and is a light for Bulgaria.
He anointed a David a king. When he was called by the Lord, he said "Here am I".
He prophesied where the Savior would be born.
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